757 N Broadway, Suite 500 Milwaukee, WI 53202
Tel: (414) 271-5577

Behavioral Consultants, Inc. is a private company committed to providing expert, timely and ethically-sound clinical and forensic services throughout the state of Wisconsin.
We have a number of training, employment and contract opportunities for those with an interest in the forensic field.
Doctoral Students – Practicum
If you are enrolled in a doctoral program in clinical psychology or a related field and have an interest in forensic psychology, BCI has a number of training opportunities that may be approved by your educational institution.
All students are supervised by a staff member with a Doctor of Psychology or Doctor of Philosophy credential and related licensure. Emphasis is placed on providing quality training opportunities designed to increase a student’s clinical and forensic knowledge and skills and overall professional development. Schedules are often very flexible and can be arranged around your other obligations.
Placement terms often begin in the fall each year.
For more information, please review our website and contact Dr. Deborah Collins at (414) 293 - 8320
Key areas of focus:
participants may include individuals with traumatic brain injuries, learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, and/or mental health diagnoses
sessions focus on competency (to stand trial) remediation rather than traditional therapy
remediation entails using various methods/procedures (i.e., workbook, games, media) to teach participants about their rights, court personnel, plea options, etc.
students have flexibility to adapt the content of sessions based upon each individual participant’s needs, learning style, and areas of strength and weakness
Other Useful Information:
hours are flexible — typically, a student is expected to meet with a participant for 45-60 minutes twice each week
hours are not guaranteed and are based on court volume/flow
there may be opportunities to meet participants both within and outside the BCI office
travel may be required, but is reimbursed at current federal rates
there may be opportunities to provide remediation to juveniles as well as adults
routine case documentation and reporting is required
you will receive weekly supervision and feedback by a licensed professional
Advanced Training Opportunities
Behavioral Consultants, Inc. periodically provides advanced training opportunities (i.e., postdoctoral fellowship positions) for individuals with a strong desire to work in Forensic Psychology and with appropriate education, skills and training.
For more information, please review our website and contact Dr. Deborah Collins at 414-293-8320
757 N Broadway, Suite 500
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Tel: (414) 271 – 5577
Wisconsin Forensic Unit
Tel: (414) 293 – 8320